Its 5.7 kilo-solid silver cup represented a caravel with foaming waves at the bow, an allegory of victory for figurehead with its hair blowing in the wind, and a dolphin’s head under the aftercastle, the whole resting on a red marble base bearing two badges with the coat of arms of the Yacht Club de France.
It was designed by Lucien Bonvallet, the figurehead was sculpted by Claudius Marioton and the whole was chiselled by Loth. The House of Cardeilhac, plate and cutlery manufacture, was founded in 1804 by Antoine-Vital Cardeilhac and was situated 4, rue du Roule in Paris. His son, Armand-Edouard, ran the company from 1851 to 1885 when Ernest Cardeilhac (1851-1904) took over the management and bought the House of Lebon. Working with several artists like the designer Lucien Bonvallet, the sculptors Claudius Marioton (1844-1919) and Aiguier, the chasers Loth and Viat, he presented his creations at the Universal Exhibition of 1889 and was awarded the silver medal. In 1904, Amélie Cardeilhac, Armand-Edouard’s widow, took the head of the company and carried on the development of the House. Her two grand-children, Jacques and Pierre, succeeded her in 1920 until the House was bought by Christofle in 1951.